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Research shows that our natural born tendencies are to distance ourselves and reject that and who which is different from us - and that only education, communication and deep familiarity could change that.


We believe that the classroom is the best place to foster the vital empathy skills that children need
to become healthy, successful adults in the global world of today.


 I Get the Other is a library of immersive virtual reality experiences developed at MindCET,
the EdTech innovation center at the Center of Educational Technology in Israel.

The library leverages VR technology's unique qualities to provide educators, guides and school staff with
a simple, quick and direct way to make students identify with the other and see from their perspective.  


I Get the Other

Building Empathy Skills with VR


Why Virtual Reality?


Realistic simulation of test situations

Filters out distractions

Creates a personal safe space to experience complicated realities


 Headsets like Google Cardboard make VR affordable and accessible for whole classrooms of children and staff

In the Classroom

How does this integrate into the classroom?

The students download the experience to their personal phones. Each student is given a headset

The teacher chooses an experience from the library based on the grade and topic they want to teach

The teacher leads the class through a discussion and activities based on what the students experienced

The Library

What's currently in the library?


 Coming Soon! 

 The Store 

Grades 5-6


Grades 5-6

Call to Action

Calling all educators!

We're currently in the midst of developing new scenes for the VR experience library.

We would love our product to be informed by real stories from the field and we invite you to
play a vital role in the development and creative process.


If you're interested, please be in touch:


Thank you! we will be in touch soon!


Any questions, suggestions, ideas?

© 2016 by MindCETex. Proudly created with

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